четверг, 20 января 2022 г.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


New Year’s resolutions

People celebrate New Year in many countries. They visit their relatives and friends or have parties at home.

English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions – they are promises for the New Year.

Children make New Year’s resolutions, too. This is what Phil, an English boy, wrote: “I often make resolutions but I don’t always keep them. This year I am going: to help my mum about the house, to do exercises every morning, not to be late for school.

My mum isn’t going to eat chocolates, bread or spaghetti. Dad is going to run every day. My mum and dad usually keep their resolutions but I don’t.”

And what about you? Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you always keep them?


make resolutions – давать себе слово, обещать

promise – обещание

keep – держать, выполнять

Our pupils New Year’s resolutions:


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