The United Nations' (UN) World Teachers' Day celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels. This enables children and adults of all ages to learn to take part in and contribute to their local community and global society.
Quick Facts
The United Nations' (UN) World Teachers' Day commemorates the work of teachers and their contributions to society. It is observed on October 5 each year.

Following the adoption of the "Recommendation concerning the status of teachers" in 1994 by the UNESCO 5th October has been officially recognized as World Teachers' Day. Earlier to this Teachers' Day has been celebrated variously in countries around the world. In most countries Teachers' Day marks the contribution of any famed educator of person of educational repute. In Argentina, the nation commemorates Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's death on September 11 as Teachers Day. This has been an Argentinean tradition since 1915. Again, in India, Teachers' Day is a day of great cross-national celebrations. India celebrates the birth of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan on 5th September as Teacher's Day. The day has been nationally celebrated since 1965. In Turkey, 24th November is designated as Teachers' Day. The thought behind the event was provided by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who stated that "the new generation will be created by teachers."
The education International (EI) (the global union federation that represents education professionals worldwide) strongly prescribes that World Teachers' Day be internationally recognized and celebrated world-wide. Over 100 countries observe World Teachers' Day. The efforts of Education International and its 401 member organizations have contributed to this widely spread dissemination of the event and its recognition. Every year, EI launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.
In all countries the world round, which celebrate Teachers' Day the day normally involves with children, students and pupils presenting gifts, flowers another tokens of appreciation to their beloved teachers. In certain countries like the Ukraine the day is begun with gatherings and concerts on the first Friday before the holidays in October. Customary practices throughout the world flooding the teacher's desk with flowers and chocolates and most importantly hand-made cards and hand-written notes. In some countries school-children organize day-long events at their school including dance recitals, songs, theatre.
The day, in general breaks the monotony of a daily scholastic routine and not much is actually studied on teacher's day. The atmosphere is very genial and teachers and students share a very informal camaraderie.

"Один день с Великим учителем лучше тысячи дней прилежного изучения ..."
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